April 30, 2009

And Then There Were Two (Pups that is)

Bianca was such a happy addition to the family, that once they saw her mini version at the pet store, they just couldn't leave her there!  Mini Mia that is.  But she didn't stay mini for long!   This girl loves to eat and it didn't take her long to get to full size and then some!  She is the only one of her kind that I know that doesn't really have a waist line : )  But she is the sweetest.  She will wiggle herself right underneath me if I try to ignore her.  She just wants to be friends with me, her California cousin, with way more hair than she has.  So, I usually cut the kid a break and give her a little lick or two. Did I mention she likes to eat?  Her lymric goes like this:
"There once lived Mia an IG.  Who looked at her meals with glee.  For food she'd dance, Go into a trance, Do the dishes 1,2,3."

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